Monthly Archives: October 2008

The Thinks I Thought

Categories: Questions, Random, Science & Tech

What banged together at the Big Bang? Scientist say there was nothing before then. So a whole bunch of nothing with no mass, no energy, no gravitational/electric/magnetic/nuclear force, smashed together, and out of that nothing we got a whole universe? … Keep reading

Love everyone, but don’t marry all of them

Categories: Family, Gospel, Politics

California isn’t the only state voting this November on an amendment that defines marriage. I wonder if we’ll have to have constitutional amendments to define all the other words in the dictionary some day. But anyway… Arizona is also voting … Keep reading

Speaking of drinking…

Categories: Random

So, um, drunk people say funny things. I was at Wal-Mart today to get one of my photos printed poster size to hang in my home. As I was leaving I overheard a rather scraggly man talking to a store … Keep reading

Voting, fighting, and … drinking?

Categories: Education, Politics

Recently in class we talked about peer influence as it relates to substance abuse. It was very interesting for me to sit there and listen to the six other people around the table talk about drinking and alcoholism and how … Keep reading

Learn something new – Moons

Categories: Learn Something

I have known for longer than I know (life long fascination with the heavens can be blamed for that), that the same side of the moon always faces Earth. The moon rotates at the same speed that it orbits. I … Keep reading

Just so’s ya know

Categories: Politics, Science & Tech

If you visited my site yesterday, for several hours during the afternoon, and a little bit in the evening, you might have noticed some real weird things. I was trying to figure out the whole column layout thing in CSS … Keep reading

Um Aniversário

Categories: Gospel, Happy Things, Life

Hoje faz nove anos que eu entrei no CTM. Não podia imaginar o que aconteceria. Mas também não posso imaginar como seria a minha vida hoje se não servi.