So there’s this person called “Giggles” who writes a blog, but who is she?
Why does she go by the name “Giggles”? What is she interested in? What’s important to her? What does she do when she’s not writing the most amazing blog posts ever? What qualifies her to say anything about anything?
Here’s where you can find the answers to all those questions. If you can’t find it here, maybe check the FAQ section and submit your own question.
Of course reading the blog will reveal a lot as well.
And then leave a comment somewhere. Maybe Giggles wants to get to know you too!

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. It’s who I am. Teaching and computers felt like being paid to play most days.
It was my fifth grade students my first year that nicknamed me Miss Giggles. Considering that students can come up with much worse nicknames for teachers, I ran with that one. By the time I left, most students only knew me as Miss Giggles.
So when I started a website, it only seemed natural to name it Miss Giggles.

Getting to focus specifically on the topics that I enjoy was wonderful.
They call that thing a hood.
But it looks kind of funny when you try to wear it as one.

My research looked at the motivational effects of tutoring on struggling elementary students.
Graduation was in Spring of 2013.
During most of my Ph.D. I also taught undergraduates, helping future teachers. It was a lot of fun to be teaching still. Although I do miss my old elementary students at times, they did provide me with a lot of good stories to tell my college students.

It’s my therapy. It costs about as much, but I get blankets out of it when I’m finished. I actually worked at a fabric store for over a year to feed my habit.
Quilts are just pretty math.
I do sew other things, but quilts are my favorite. And I pull out the knitting needles a lot as well. Keeping my hands busy lets my mind relax.

I did several shows in community theaters.
And I have had a lot of fun taking belly dance classes. I love belly dancing. It’s so fun to figure out what my body can do. And it’s a great fun way to exercise the abdomen.
For my bridal shower my friends got our belly dance instructor to come give us a private lesson. Best shower ever!
Besides, it’s a lot of fun to see people’s reactions when they find out I belly dance.

It’s my other therapy.
So far I’ve completed three marathons (Deseret News in 1997 and 2008 and Tucson in 2009). And while there are those who think I’m crazy (and I generally have those same thoughts between miles 20 and 25), I will be doing more.
Some day I will run Boston.

And I think we need more bookcases at home. However when we get them I’m sure I’ll fill them up and ask for more.
I’ve even had to start a blog to keep track of all of the books I read as I review them. Check it out if you need some good recommendations – Miss Giggles’ Book Log.

Now that I have access to a yard, I’m really excited to see what I can do with a bigger space. My first project – turning the grass into a lawn and getting all the bushes and trees in the right shape and producing what they’re supposed to (fruit or flowers).
Next up is vegetables and herbs.
And of course bird feeders. The hummingbirds have started coming to the window if I don’t keep their feeders full.

I served a full time mission in Brasil from October 1999 to March 2001. Those eighteen months are still affecting my life today and gave me an enduring love of black beans and rice.
My membership affects everything I do. It is an inseparable part of who I am.

I am a sister (two siblings).
I am an aunt (twenty-two and counting).
I am a grand-daughter (four grandparents watching me from heaven).
My family is very important to me.

I never knew life could be better than your dreams. :love:
We have our crazy adventures over on Ooh Shemo: That’s what it’s called.

It was quite the adventure getting them here.
We are so absolutely in love and can’t wait to watch her adventures in life.
If I do nothing else with my PhD besides being her mom, my degree will be put to good use.