Category Archives: Education

Thoughts on teaching, teachers, learning, and homework.

Phinally Phinished

Categories: Education, Happy Things

Some time around Labor Day in 1983 I became a formal student for the first time when I started kindergarten. I have been in the classroom for the last thirty years. Friday my days as a formal student ended. Keep reading

Women and education

Categories: Education, Questions

What do you think is the purpose of education in our culture? What is the purpose of education in your life? Keep reading

I will not fear my dreams

Categories: Education, Exercise, Life, Musings

I have never let fear keep me from my dreams, no matter the source of that fear. I’m not going to start now. I refuse to let terrorists limit the fulness of my life. They don’t get to win. Keep reading

Windows of Heaven

Categories: Education, Gospel, Happy Things

No accountant in the world could ever work out how it happens that returning 10% of our income to the Lord means we can cover all of our necessary expenses, but it does. Keep reading

This is it!

Categories: Education

If I could have a conversation about my research while not wearing pants, then … my defense couldn’t be all that bad because I’d definitely be wearing pants for it. Keep reading

Not exactly news any more

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Health, Learn Something, News, Science & Tech

While none of this is news any more, I still felt like commenting on it. This week is the Scientific American edition. Keep reading

Pi and Ides

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Relationships

Preparations for Pi Day, the Ides of March, … and I was a guest writer for A Practical Wedding again. Keep reading