Monthly Archives: June 2009

Looked out my window…

Categories: Random

I looked out my window and what did I see? … A real confused woodpecker. Keep reading

A moment in history

Categories: Education, Life, News, Politics

Twenty years ago today is one of those moments that stays with you. It was on June 4, 1989, that the massacre of Tiananmen Square happened. Keep reading

“Ice Cream Fixes Everything”

Categories: Happy Things, Health, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

The story behind my ice cream quilt and what the finished quilt looks like. Because sometimes ice cream just makes everything better. Keep reading

The Way of the Wind

Categories: Family, Folks, Life

Who needs to waste time, money, and even clothes, on an electric clothes drier when there is a perfectly good sun and wind out there just free for the taking? Keep reading