The Thinks I Thought

Categories: Questions, Random, Science & Tech
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What banged together at the Big Bang? Scientist say there was nothing before then. So a whole bunch of nothing with no mass, no energy, no gravitational/electric/magnetic/nuclear force, smashed together, and out of that nothing we got a whole universe? Scientists can be weird.

The pizza guy knocked on my door this afternoon. I didn’t order pizza. He had missed a number on the address.

Milk is $1.49 this week!

I bought the cutest little tiny pumpkin today. Since getting to my Autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations would require unstacking pretty much my whole storage closet, that pumpkin and the Halloween quilt top I made last year are probably going to be it for my Fall decorations this year. I’ll make the effort on the closet for Christmas.

Around 9:30 tonight I get another knock on my door. Guy asks if Paula is here, and then if I’m sure she doesn’t live here. Yup. I’m sure. Apparently she gave him the wrong address. I tell him to try the address the pizza went to this afternoon. He then says “You’re cute, what are you doing tonight?” Huh? I told him, “not tonight,” and closed and locked the door again. He knocked one more time, I didn’t answer, but I did grab my phone and put my finger on the 7 just in case I needed to do some speed dialing.42D

Note to guys: That is not the appropriate way to respond when you find out you have the wrong address.

There are currently 183 pages on my website (if I counted right, and not counting the blog at all). That’s a lot of pages.

I wish it was snowing here. At least it’s kind of cold.

2 shared thoughts about The Thinks I Thought

  1. Giggle

    Was the pizza guy cute? Usefully, I find that kind of attention flattering.

    I’m GLAD it’s not snowing yet. I really dig warm weather. It’ll get cold here soon enough.

  2. Miss Giggles says:

    The pizza guy was cute and apologetic when he realized he had the wrong number (there are a lot of ones in my apartment number, he’d confused me with an apartment with one less one).

    The guy at 9:30 at night who figured he must have been lied to by Paula and thus wasn’t going to get a date that night, might have been cute, but the whole creepiness factor really outweighed anything else he had going for him.

    In other random people stories – I was tailgated and then passed by a car this evening. I saw out of the corner of my eye as they passed me that they slowed down right next to me before speeding up to beat me to the red light up ahead. As I approached the intersection and passed them, I saw that the driver had her face completely towards the window, looking at me, and she had a gold mask on her face. Huh?


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