
Categories: Family, Gospel, Relationships
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It always seems interesting to me when people assume they know what I am thinking or feeling, and they really have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when it all comes down to it.

A while back, someone I know made an interesting statement about marriage.

If polygamy were really about adults who agree, you wouldn’t have children being forced (or spiritually blackmailed) to marry that way and you wouldn’t have entire communities of polygamous families….

Of course I feel the same way about religions that require all of their people to marry heterosexually and produce children. No one should be told how to marry, whom to marry or whether they should marry at all. Being told you have to marry heterosexually in order to obtain eternal salvation…. Every one of these use spiritual threats that tell people who they should love and spend their life with.

Apparently I’m being blackmailed. And I had no idea either. I do not feel blackmailed in the least. I do not feel the weight of eternity on my shoulders when I go on a date on a Friday night, feeling that if I don’t manage to convince some guy to marry me and have children with me soon that not only will I end up a lonely old maid who can’t even have cats because she’s allergic so I’ll have to knit sweaters for my plants, (How would you get a sweater on a cactus? That would take some work. I imagine the snags would be insane. My cactus still needs a name, by the way.) but I’ll also be in danger of being cast out of heaven for being single and childless.

Do I want to get married? Yup. I do. The trouble I had opening a simple water bottle tonight was a funny reminder that I can’t do it all on my own. Oh sure I’ve done great so far with my life. I’ve done amazing actually. But I would like to share it with someone. I would like to have someone who is always there for both the good and the bad days. Plus, that would mean there would be someone else in the house who could kill the moths. That one tonight was big. EEgghgh! *shudder*42D

Do I feel pressure from heaven to get married? Nope. I don’t. So assuming I do, well, it just doesn’t work. Do I feel pressure from other people? On occasion, but not often. And when they try I just ignore them.

It’s actually quite funny the different things people assume about me. Maybe I’ll post about other ones later. But don’t assume I’m being blackmailed under penalty of not going to heaven if I don’t get married.

One shared thought about Assume

  1. mom says:
    1 person giggled

    How about nameing the cactus Green Silky


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