Category Archives: Venting

Because not everything makes me giggle.


Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Science & Tech, Venting

What’s going to break next? Keep reading

Morning Thoughts

Categories: Politics, Venting

Obama and leaf blowers and incompetent people. Keep reading

Bad timing

Categories: Education, Venting

This would be the wrong time for something else to go wrong. It’s possible I am stressed. Keep reading

And some people are stupid

Categories: Books, Family, Politics, Venting

and say stupid things… Keep reading

Busy, busy, busy

Categories: Education, Life, Venting, Work

We are all busy. We all find ways to manage our time. And we can all share with others just how we do it. Keep reading

But I don’t want to spring clean today

Categories: Venting

The reason behind my badly timed spring cleaning. Keep reading

Negative Nancy

Categories: Education, Venting

Why do there have to exist people who don’t like anything? How can they possibly be happy? And why do they have to take classes with me? Keep reading