Monthly Archives: November 2012

Choosing all the things?

Categories: Life, Musings

I would’ve chosen my way out of a lot of pain, physical and otherwise, if someone had offered me the choice. But would I still be me if I’d had the power to make those choices? Keep reading

Choosing to move on

Categories: Life, Musings

There are so many places to live in this world that I’d rather live someplace new than go back and repeat something old. Keep reading

Choosing what to read

Categories: Books

I’ll read some fluff. But I want it to be fancy fluff that’s worth the calories. I prefer a chocolate truffle to a tootsie roll for example. Keep reading

Choosing socks

Categories: Happy Things, Random

Socks are probably my favorite accessory. Especially knee high socks. … I don’t wear patterned socks every day. But on special days or days when I know I’m going to need a little kick, they sure do come in handy. Keep reading

Choosing a job

Categories: Work

My grandpa lived through the depression and was of the opinion that if you had a job that supported your family that was more important than if you liked your job. And at certain times there is wisdom in that. Keep reading

Choosing confidence

Categories: Gospel

This confidence is not based on how you compare to the world, but how God sees you. God sees you for who you really are, his child. He knows you. He loves you. He knows what you are capable of. And he wants nothing more than to see you succeed. Keep reading

Choosing to be educated

Categories: Education

I choose to educate myself formally and informally so I don’t get bored with myself and don’t become a bore to others. … I choose to educate myself because I’m still a work in progress. … I choose to educate myself because it is one of the easiest things to share with others. Keep reading