Conference Weekend

Categories: Gospel, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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I love Conference weekend of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What an amazing opportunity to learn, grow, and be inspired. I took the opportunity while I was still in Utah to attend Conference in the Conference Center several times, and once in the Tabernacle in 1997 as well (the picture is when I went with my mom in April of 2005). I loved watching it from my house as well. Now I watch it on the internet, still at home. I have marked many events in my life by their relation to General Conference, going to college, leaving and coming home from my mission, and others.

I remember the first time I “watched” conference over the internet. It was my first General Conference while I was on my mission, and because my feet were not cooperating, I was in the mission home that month. It was my job that weekend to make sure we had the programs we would need so that we could all listen to General Conference on the computer. It was the first Conference in the new Conference Center. There was no video, just audio, so I downloaded a picture of the organ in the Conference Center and put that on the screen so we could at least see that while we watched.

Today I can watch it at the stake center, on the computer at my home, or at the homes of friends who have cable and get the channel it is on. Then, I can read it in the Ensign or the Liahona next month. The conference report used to not come out for three months after Conference in the Liahona, January and July, instead of May and November. I remember when the Liahona several years ago announced that international readers would not have to wait so long any more. A month after I get the Ensign and Liahona, I get the DVDs. Conference really can be a part of my life all year long.

I have already enjoyed one session today (and found it funny when I checked my news reader after and saw that KSL and Deseret News reported the announcement of new temples less than an hour after the actual announcement). I’m looking forward to the remaining sessions, and hopefully getting some binding done on quilts while I listen and take notes. The talks already today have already given me much to think about.

3 shared thoughts about Conference Weekend

  1. Mimi says:

    Okay, so I almost started crying when President Monson was talking about the dedication of the Curitiba Temple! I wanted to be there so bad 🙁 It was pretty exciting to hear about five more temples! I hope you are making progress on your quilts. Jared and I worked on de-stemming raisins that we dried ourselves.

  2. Miss Giggles says:

    I had to smile a bit when he was talking about the Curitiba temple because I got a text message right then checking if that was where I’d served. I got teared up the Sunday it was dedicated when I couldn’t be there for that. Some day I will see it.

    I finished one baby quilt that only had a little bit left and I have a little more than one side of binding to stitch down on another quilt. It’s possible I could finish it tomorrow.

  3. Miss Giggles says:

    Conference was great. I wrote down three things I wanted to learn about before it started. And I have to say, only one of them was really kind of addressed. But there were a lot of talks that would help me find the answers on my own.


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