One people

Categories: Learn Something, Random
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One person can do a few things, but it’s amazing what that one person can do when they get together with other one persons. No one person can do everything, but one person can help one other person who can help even more people. As one people, a lot can be done.

Just one person can help keep track of ladybugs for scientists. I’m going to have to keep my eyes out for them now. Scientists at Cornell are looking for lost ones and trying to keep track of different species with their “Lost Ladybug Project.”

Astronomy also takes advantage of one person helping out the whole. Astronomers can only keep track of so many things at once. But amateur astronomers can keep an eye on so many other things. And when they find something, they can let the professionals know. It happens frequently.

And I am so glad for all the one people who help me. Take this weekend for instance. A discussion on entropy and quantum physics morphed it’s way into a discussion on why we refer to pants as a pair and speak of them in the plural when it’s just one item of clothing. I know many things, but this was one thing I thought I was only taking an educated guess on. Luckily, I know people who know things I do not know. And in this case, I was able to call my friend Heidi, because if anyone would know, she would. And she did. And my educated guess was a very simple version of the right answer.42D

There are a lot of things I myself can do. But I’m always glad that this one person has people.

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