Monthly Archives: February 2007

A good day

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Random

Today was a good day. You might ask why. I shall tell you. The reasons are two. 1. A storm came through Utah today, dumping tons of snow on the benches in Salt Lake City. Enough snow fell that the … Keep reading

What I learned…

Categories: Learn Something

Today I learned that Nyquil can suck the ambition right out of a day. I managed to make it to work for tutoring/faculty meeting. And that was close getting there because I took some Nyquil last night before bed as … Keep reading

Space Bubbles and Hugging

Categories: Happy Things, Health, Musings

I never really thought of myself as a physical person. I had a pretty big personal bubble for a very long time. Most people in Brasil have very small personal bubbles, and that was uncomfortable for me for a long … Keep reading

The Sun, The Earth, & The Moon

Categories: Musings, Random

Isn’t it interesting that they proved that the earth went around the sun, not by the movements of the sun, but rather through the movements of the other planets in the solar system? That seems like a roundabout way to … Keep reading

The Local Grocery Store

Categories: Musings

The first year that I lived in my apartment, I did not have a car. That meant that everything I did, everywhere I went, had to be within reasonable walking distance (which changed depending on how I felt that day) … Keep reading


Categories: Education, Happy Things, Life, Random, Work

I’m ready. I really think I’m ready. This doesn’t mean I’m not going to have doubts and second thoughts, but I’m ready. And I’m excited. I’m not scared. I know what it’s going to take. I know who I will … Keep reading


Categories: Musings

I ended up on the freeway tonight, driving north. It was dark. I had just over a half of a tank of gas. And because of the mood I was in, I was sorely tempted to see just what was … Keep reading