Category Archives: Health

I don’t have a chronic illness. But I sure am at the doctor a lot. Never with a good story though.

Big Things

Categories: Education, Family, Health, Infertility, Life, Politics

One month from today I will defend my doctoral dissertation. Oddly though, getting my doctorate will not be the biggest thing I do in 2013. … If you live in Arizona, please let your state senator know you do not support SB 1376. If you do not live in Arizona, please contact our state senator and let her know this bill could negatively affect our family. Keep reading

To bleed or not to bleed

Categories: Health

Every time I’m bleeding I have to choose what the risk of bleeding all over everything is and if its worth a bandage or not. Sometimes life’s choices are a little weird. Keep reading

I’m all made of hinges?

Categories: Health

My ribs don’t bend. My shins don’t bend. My femur and ulna don’t bend. I am clearly not all hinges. Keep reading

The problem with form letters

Categories: Health, Infertility, Politics

Remember back in February when I posted a letter I sent to the White House about insurance coverage for conception? I checked the box that said I would like a reply back. Yesterday, two and a half months later, I got that reply. Keep reading

Needed resources

Categories: Education, Health

It then said to start with you need to list all of the resources you need to write your dissertation, giving examples of resources beyond just money. And that seemed like a good idea. So here’s the list I’ve come up with. Keep reading

An open letter to the President

Categories: Family, Health, Infertility, Life, Politics

Mr. President, With the current healthcare debate about the mandate to cover the prevention of children, I must ask why there is no mandate to cover the creation of children? … Keep reading

I remember at 20

Categories: Gospel, Health, Remembers, Work

I remember the summer I turned 20 was spent in a lot of pain. Keep reading