Category Archives: Featured

Physical & cognitive development for $3.22

Categories: Featured, How To, Old Jeans, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

I bought a ten foot length of 1/2 inch PEX piping for $3.22 and pulled out a pair of Brett’s old jeans (yup, this is another “I made it with my husband’s pants” post). And made this, an infant activity gym: Keep reading

My funeral

Categories: Family, Featured, Life, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

I’ve expressed a few firm opinions about a few things [related to my funeral] … Because Brett says when I’m dead I don’t get a say in anything, I thought I’d share my opinions with the internet and see if you can’t hold him to a few of them. Keep reading

I am not just a pair of breasts

Categories: Featured, Health

I am skin. I am bones. I am eyes. I am lungs. I am brains. I am blood. I am ovaries. I am a uterus. And I am a colon. … If you want to fight cancer, a Facebook status isn’t going to do it. Actions will. Keep reading