Author Archives: Giggles

Life Imitates Art

Categories: Family

In her hands she has two shoes and a sock. She spent at least 20 minutes looking for her other sock. She eventually pulled out the drawer we keep random toys in and investigated if her sock had turned into a Rubix Cube. … They aren’t that great at helping with chores yet (although they are enthusiastic helpers), so they earn their keep by being the entertainment right now. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things, Life, Relationships

I don’t believe in a one-and-only. Instead I believe that there are many people we could definitely be happy with. Different kinds of happy of course with different people. But still happy and living a wonderful life. However… Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

Two years ago we started a tradition of sitting down every night before bed starting on November 1st till Thanksgiving and writing down something we are thankful for on a slip of paper and putting it in a jar decorated with a cornucopia window cling. Iddo called them “Thankfuls” that first year and the name has stuck. This year we let Shimri and Shimei tell us what they are thankful for as well. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

Shimei is a daring, throw caution to the wind, adventurous boy who lands on his feet unless someone tries to help him. He is constant motion and prefers to run and jump to places rather than just walk. If he’s up to mischief, it’s the innocent kind. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things

Shimri is an absolute hoot to be with. Part of it is that you can tell her mind and spirit are so much larger and older than her body would have you believe. She does things with such determination and purpose that it’s funny to watch in a little 2-year-old body. Keep reading

Serving Sizes

Categories: Food

I saw an infographic earlier this week stating that to prepare for Thanksgiving you would need a pound of turkey for each person, a half pound of potatoes, and one slice of pie. … If I’m going to over indulge in food and be a glutton for one day, it’s going to be on pie, not turkey. Maybe we should reverse that infographic and make it a pound of pie for each person but just one slice of turkey? Keep reading

My little turkeys

Categories: Life

My little turkeys won’t be little for long so I’m doing what I can to preserve as much of their littleness as possible. Thanksgiving just kind of lends itself to hand prints. Keep reading