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Someone recently asked Brett if I am able to be at home with our kids. We liked the use of the word “able.” It is a privilege, one not everyone is able to have. But I am blessed to have that option. And it works better in our house because of it. We know it takes both of us to make this house run smoothly. Brett makes sure we have a house to begin with, keeps the kitchen neat and clean, and gets Iddo up and ready for the morning and puts all three kids down for bed. I handle general cleaning, laundry, and keeping the kids alive and entertained during the day. Iddo looks at me weird if ever I have to get her up or handle bed time because I’m definitely doing it wrong no matter how much I try to do it exactly like Dad. And while the laundry wouldn’t give Brett funny looks, it would take too long to explain my process to him for him to do it the way I do. The kids are growing into jobs at home but right now Iddo is in charge of witty sayings, Shimei is in charge of laughs and giggles, and Shimri is in charge of ponderous looks. It takes all of us to make our house work the way it does and I’m grateful my part is based solely at home.

4 shared thoughts about Able

  1. Denicend says:

    I also was so blessed to be able to stay at home with our children.

  2. Brett says:

    Shimri is going the extra mile and taking over the duty of saying “ba ba ba…” :brett:

  3. mama g says:

    I am grateful I could stay at home. And now that I am a Grandma I am thankful for box time.

  4. Giggle

    I look forward to being able to stay home, hopefully, when the time comes. I already enjoy the benefits of teamwork in running a house. It’s going to be a challenge when Blake is away for training!


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