Walk WITH Hope

Categories: Family, Infertility
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Saturday, along with over 250 other people, we participated in Resolve’s Walk of Hope in Scottsdale, Arizona. As a group more than $40,000 was raised. The money supports outreach groups, support groups, promoting legislation to make family building easier and stopping legislation that would make it harder. The theme is that no one with infertility should walk alone.

Infertility sucks. It can feel very isolating. It can be extremely depressing. Hope and faith are often the only things getting you through from one day to the next, from one blood draw to the next, from one procedure to the next.

Last year when we walked I did a slow shuffle because I was 2/3rds through my third pregnancy and my hips had started falling apart 3 months earlier. This year we walked with Iddo, our 9 month old expression of our hope. She is “The Embryo Who Lived.” And a darn cute embryo at that.

The Embryo Who Lived

Last year we walked for Iddo. This year she walked (ie, rode in the stroller) for her frozen siblings and Brett and I walked for her and our potential children, otherwise known by the rock group name “Iddo and the Frozen 8.”

Who Iddo walked in honor of. Our potential rock group.

We set a fundraising goal for our team of $300 and our friends and family came through big time and we raised $320! Each donation felt like a huge hug of support.

We also set the goal to win the best team t-shirt. And we did! Iddo was really happy with our sign marking our win.

Check out what we got! Ah yea! We won! We are so stylin' in our creativity.

Our infertility journey has not been easy. But with the support of our family and friends, with our faith, and with each other, we’ve been able to walk it with hope. And we’re going to keep walking.

Happy walkers with a darn cute embryo. Still happy, but someone's tired because we woke her up too early.

7 shared thoughts about Walk WITH Hope

  1. Denice says:

    Keep up the good work. You got a terrific reward for persevering.

  2. Brett says:

    She looks pretty happy to be holding that sign. Apparenly yard signs and lanyards are her thing. :brett:

  3. Whitney says:

    A little teary eyed reading this post. Love y’all’s shirts, Iddo is beautifully happy!!

  4. Valerie says:

    Not only do you have a lot of hope, but you have a great sense of humor. Such cute stickers!!! I have other trials, never infertility, but have a sister who is married to someone who cannot have children and I have seen her pain many times. How wonderful that we do live in a time when there is technology and science that gives more hope, but still so many people wait and wait. Thanks for sharing a bit of your hope with all of us.

  5. mama g says:

    I walk with hope all the time. It sure beats walking with despair. :run:

  6. Giggle

    Hooray! I love all of this!

  7. Mitali says:

    Had a lot of posts to catch up on! This was the last one/furthest back I needed to read. What a great one to end on. Really sweet. Love your T-shirt. Such great pictures of Iddo!


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