Lame Halloween Costumes Coming

Categories: Education, Family, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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I have had the most perfect idea for us for Halloween since 2010. It doesn’t look like its going to happen this year either. So this is a warning that this year is going to be a bit lame compared to past years.

In 2008 we didn’t coordinate our costumes, but I did convince him he needed to dress up and take me to the Institute dance.

Since Brett doesn’t spend months thinking of costumes (or Christmas presents for that matter, with the exception, that I know of, of my super awesome bathrobe), he had me go out the morning of the dance to buy him a mullet wig (he didn’t specify mullet, that’s what I could find) and name tags. He pulled his pirate costume out of the closet and we made a name tag that says “Hello! My Name Is: Inigo Montoya. (You killed my father. Prepare to die.)”

I pulled some pieces (silver shirt, corset, floor length satin skirt) from other costumes together and made a black witches hat. I don’t know that I’d ever been a witch for Halloween before. That might have been a first.

In 2009 he hadn’t thought of costumes again, but I told him to wear jeans and a black shirt (if I remember right, he’s wearing his shirt inside out to hide whatever printing was on it) and I’d handle the rest. THAT afternoon I got in a car accident on my way to get his ring engraved for our wedding. But the costumes still turned out awesome.

I got him two bandanas to choose from, normal design in black, or skulls. He went with the normal design.

My plan was to pull from previous costumes for me again but I couldn’t find my skirt since packing and moving so I ended up rushing to make up another one between getting home from the car accident, going for my then traditional Halloween evening run, and Brett picking me up.

In 2010 we missed our ward’s Halloween party because we were at my grandpa’s funeral that weekend (the party was in mid-October). And without a party there’s not really a reason to do a big costume. So I saved the costume and planned it for the next year. I wore my black-and-white stripped socks and orange Halloween shirt to teach with, but that’s all we did.

In 2011 we found out one of our favorite TV shows, Chuck,  was in its final season. And I was feeling swamped with graduate school and life. So our 2010 idea got postponed again and replaced with a surprisingly easy equally awesome idea. I made Brett a black tie (easier than it sounds), printed him a name badge (speaking of, why do Brett’s costumes frequently require a name badge) and made me a calf knife holster (same fabric as the skirt two years previous). I turned one of his not-quite-long-enough shirts into a short-sleeved shirt too. Everything else we needed we already had at home.

The bishop said he wanted to see “plenty of adult costumes” at the ward trunk or treat this year. I pointed out that he probably meant “adults in costume” instead. This year I’d planned to finally get that 2010 idea finished. But instead it’s looking like we’re going to go as “frazzled graduate student” and “supportive husband” if we go anywhere at all.

I definitely need to stock up on candy though, specifically chocolate and Smarties (what is it about Smarties that makes them so much fun to eat?). It’s part of my costume, really.

2 shared thoughts about Lame Halloween Costumes Coming

  1. Denice says:

    You are so creative. And you make life so fun.

  2. Brett says:

    Not sure why, but when I read “frazzled graduate student” it conjured up (pardon the pun) images of Bellatrix Lestrange. :brett:


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