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One thing to consider when having a financial reserve is the types of expenses you have. One source suggested that if you have a chronic health problem you should have a bigger reserve than if you don’t. As Brett and I have talked about our finances, this idea came up. I asked him if I had a chronic health problem and he, without pausing, said yes.

Just to clarify, I do not have a chronic health problem. I just chronically have health problems. Slight difference in semantics, but very meaningful.

Well, here we go again. The latest, my hip. Never had a hip problem before. This leaves my elbows as the only thing left I haven’t gone to a doctor for yet.

The doctor is calling it “Trochanteric Bursitis.” The bursa on my hip is agitated and irritated and basically not happy. Bursa are the pockets of fluid that keep your joints lubricated between the muscles and ligaments and tendons and bones. The trochanteric bursa is on the outer side of the hip. When you lay on your side, you squish it. Mine doesn’t like to be squished right now. It doesn’t really like a whole lot right now actually.

I start physical therapy next week.

3 shared thoughts about Chronic

  1. Mitali says:

    Sorry about your hip. Or more specifically, your trochanteric bursa 🙁 I hope that physical therapy helps. I know how much you like to run… But, like everything else, you’re going to conquer this. :sun:

  2. Giggles says:

    I need some help. I’m trying to think of things you can do that don’t involve bending the hip. So far I have lying down and standing up. Anything else?

  3. Giggles says:

    Today sitting is merely uncomfortable rather than painful. I guess that’s something.


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