Monthly Archives: November 2009

The tricks of the trade

Categories: Education

Tricks for multiplying and finding multiples of nine. Because math is fun. Keep reading

It has how many legs?

Categories: Random

I’ve recently realized that I have very definite opinions about legs. … Keep reading

But who’s counting?

Categories: Questions, Random, Relationships

I spend too much time analyzing exactly what people say to me. It’s easy to do though since most of the time people speak without thinking and listen without hearing. Getting married brings out of a lot of that. Keep reading

Almost moving day

Categories: Life

Tomorrow we are moving my furniture. Just how much furniture do I have? Keep reading

And make believe I have no problems

Categories: Exercise

Last night I took time in the evening right at sunset, a beautiful sunset, and went for a run so I could relax some, and also so I could “make believe I have no problems.” … Keep reading

Four names in three spots

Categories: Random, Venting

How do they expect me to fill out a form when I’ll have four names and they’ll only have three spots? Why does our society have to be so limited in our understandings of names? Keep reading

That’s not on the list!!

Categories: Venting

I have a list of things that I shouldn’t have to deal with right now. There are only three things on the list, but it’s still too long. (The story of the car accident, so far.) Keep reading