Almost moving day

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Tomorrow we are moving my furniture. We’ve been moving boxes here and there for the last few months so that we don’t have to do it all at once. And it doesn’t even all need to be moved tomorrow since I have the apartment till the end of the month. So no stressing to pack and move and clean to add to all the other stress right now. One nice thing about the car accident was that the rental they gave me had a lot of cargo room, so in two trips I was able to move what would’ve taken probably at least 5 or 6 with just our cars. I loaded that thing down.

When I got the majority of my furniture I got it second hand from my uncle and aunt and it all fit in the back of one pick-up. We’d packed it in. Driving the truck back from Salt Lake to Orem it blew a tire. Which sent me into an anxiety attack. I’d borrowed the truck from a friend. I didn’t know where the spare was if there was one. And I was afraid I’d have to unload the whole truck there on the side of the freeway to change it.

I walked to a hotel and called some friends and they helped me out. Luckily because it was a duallie, and because it was one of the back tires that blew, it was still driveable, a blessing of six tires. Just not driveable by me at that point. So one friend drove me home and another friend drove the truck home.

I don’t have that much more furniture at this point, two more bookcases, a table I put the tv on, a bed, and a washing machine, I think are all the additional big pieces of furniture I have. We’ve asked the men in the ward to bring their pick-ups tomorrow and if three or four show up that should be enough to get the furniture. And if we can get that moved tomorrow then we’ll be just fine with the rest. If more show up I’ll start putting things in boxes quickly and we’ll reduce a few car trips we have to make.

I should probably go box up a few more things before calling it a night.

4 shared thoughts about Almost moving day

  1. Miss Giggles says:

    This move was absolutely AMAZING!

    We asked people to show up at 9am and figured there would be a few people. I was hoping for basically just the furniture. Everything else is manageable with the cars.

    At 9:19 I looked at my watch and we’d already packed everything that could go at that point and then some and were giving people directions to Brett’s. Less than an hour later we were saying thank you and good-bye and here have another doughnut because everything was unloaded already. And half that time was just driving there!

    I had people looking at me and asking for what else they could possibly move and seeming a little sad that I didn’t have more stuff. It all just went. It was amazing. Overwhelming.

  2. Giggle

    I’m so glad it went well! I was thinking about you today. 🙂

  3. Pingback, 2 January 2010 at 9:12 pm
    In 2009 I… | Random Giggles

  4. Pingback, 10 January 2012 at 5:14 pm
    Coming together | Ooh Shemo

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