E em sossego alcanço

Categories: Family, Life
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And peacefully I obtain.

A while back I found myself perusing a blog by angry women for some reason. I found it made me angry so I haven’t gone back. They were advertising a book or something or it was a topic of a post or something, but I saw the phrase: Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.

Um, no. Well behaved women might not make the evening news. But they do make history, they just generally don’t get in the history book for what they did.

This all depends of course on your definitions of “well behaved” and “ill behaved.” Apparently, according to two very different groups, I could be classified as ill behaved. One group because I don’t hate men, and the other group because I’m not sitting at home waiting for a man. But since I tend to think that both of those groups are quite off their rocker, we’re going to go with my definitions.

Well behaved women make history all the time! Well behaved women are the ones who help others be the best they can. Well behaved women are the ones who teach others, especially children, so that they can grow up and continue improving on the world. Well behaved women are the ones that reach their potential, know their worth and their divine nature. Well behaved women are like the women in my life, my mom, my grandmas, my sister, my friends, my teachers, the women who made history by helping make me who I am.

You do not have to move a whole mountain at once to make history. A large gate swings on a small hinge. And a well behaved woman swings a very large gate.

(the same can be said of well behaved men too)

2 shared thoughts about E em sossego alcanço

  1. mom says:

    I think we’ll all go down in History 🙂
    Love Mom

  2. Mimi says:

    Thank you for this post. Women everywhere need to remember the importance of women. Every woman can make the difference in someone’s life.


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