Monthly Archives: September 2015

News of the week (or so)

Categories: Books, Education, Learn Something, News, Science & Tech

More headlines and news stories that caught my interest and will probably be brought up in some fashion during small talk some time in the future – space, creativity, language, science, bananas, safaris, a little bit of this, that, and the other. Keep reading

A dark day

Categories: Life

I will teach my children about terror and horror because those will be a reality in their world. But I think I’m going to spend more time teaching them about love, peace, faith, and hope because those will be what get them through this world. Keep reading

News I found interesting in the last week

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Learn Something, News, Science & Tech

I like to peruse the headlines of several different online news sites and read whatever catches my attention. Here’s what caught my attention this past week or so. I know Brett just skims these when I do them, but Brett – you’re mentioned in relation to one, so skim a little closer. Keep reading