Choose your ingredients

Categories: Food
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I’d be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I’ve made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.
– Ethan Hawke

I used to think cooking was hard. I thought making good tasting meals was tricky and a talent that took a long time to develop. A bad chicken experience and some utterly inedible meatloaf in college might have contributed to that (haven’t tried meatloaf since, but I do plan to conquer it some day).

But I have apparently figured out the secret that Gusteau was trying to teach in Ratatouille – anyone can cook.

I do follow recipes rather precisely when I’m baking, but cooking is different. If I don’t like a particular ingredient I’ll leave it out or replace it with one I like better.

I used to put carrots in the crock pot whenever I made a roast because my mom always did. I included them in my chicken soup too. But I don’t like the taste of cooked carrots. Eventually I realized I didn’t have to include them. So now I choose not to include them. And I like the chicken soup better and I don’t have to make myself eat the carrots with the roast. I’m an adult. I don’t have to eat cooked carrots.

Our ward made a cookbook this summer and one of the recipes I submitted, one we cook a lot at home, a lemon herb chicken bake that I developed, included this instruction:

Sprinkle generously with oregano, basil, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, and lemon herb spice mix. Channel the Muppet Sweedish Chef doing this.

I will never be a chef. But I do choose to enjoy my cooking, especially because I like eating.

7 shared thoughts about Choose your ingredients

  1. Anjuli says:

    You have a very orange kitchen.

  2. Brett says:

    Thanks a lot. Now I have to waste at least an afternoon watching Swedish Chef clips on youtube. (The turtle soup one is pretty funny. Don’t ever mess with the turtle. :turtle: )


  3. Mister Me says:

    I put carrots in with the roast or in the soup. Two of us in my house will eat them, two will not. As long as I don’t have to taste them, I’m fine with that.

    • Giggles says:

      If Brett said he wanted carrots in the roast or soup I’d put them in and he could scoop them out for me. If he wants green bean casserole he has to make that because you can’t really scoop around the green beans in green bean casserole.

  4. mama G says:

    I’m thankful all of my children turned out to be wonderful cooks. Maybe it will rub off on their mother some day. :tractor:

  5. Denice says:

    You are hired to cook for us anytime.


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