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I’ve always thought it was interesting that grasshoppers would be facing you after they jumped away from you. I remember being confused by that when I was a kid. Didn’t they know it was faster to be facing the direction you wanted to go? But then some of those stupid bugs would jump into me when I’d approach, so I’m not giving them a lot of credit for brilliance.

Most bugs scurry away when you approach them. Ants do not. It’s like ants don’t really care what you’re doing. They’ve got their own stuff to worry about and they are not going to be distracted by big scary shadows that probably won’t interfere with them anyway. There’s a lesson there I think.

Can butterflies tell if a flower is empty of pollen or nectar? Do the flowers run out? I’ve watched butterflies hit the same flower over and over again over several days and I wonder if they ever show up at a flower and are disappointed that it just looks pretty and doesn’t actually have any food in it.

Mostly though, I’m wondering why not all bugs are paying attention to the sign I put on our front door.

7 shared thoughts about Bugs

  1. mama G says:
    1 person giggled

    1: Is the sign low enough for the bugs to see it.
    2: Can bugs read?
    3: If they can read, is it in english or something else maybe a bug language?
    4: If the sign works let me know and I’ll put up some too.
    :tractor: 🙂

    • Giggles says:
      2 people giggled

      The sign is right at the level of a kick plate if we had a kick plate. Although I might want to put one up at the top for the flies. :lisa:

  2. Brett says:
    1 person giggled

    I’m not sure what lesson the ants have to teach us. Unless it’s that when the big scary flying saucers overshadow the entire planet and broadcast menacing things to us that no one has the ability to understand, the intelligent thing is to go about our business as though it’s an every-day sort of occurrence and figure they’ll just go away soon. :brett:

  3. Denice says:

    Love your sign. If it ever works, let me know and I will try it also.

  4. Mitali says:
    1 person giggled

    Most people are shocked to learn that most bugs are not literate, with the exception, of course, of bookworms, which are not, in fact, bugs.

    • Giggles says:
      2 people giggled

      We really need to start addressing the illiterate bug problem in this nation. Nobody ever talks about it when they talk about education reform. :apple:

  5. Whitney says:

    Found you on MMB, funny! I need some giggles in my life, you are being added to my Google Reader!


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