What happened to the old lady?

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Brett has seen this commercial on the tv for years now. It’s one of the few he notices. And he’s been laughing about it for years too. “That’s not for me, that’s for some old person” and “So I pushed the button” are his favorite lines. Tonight he said he wanted to know what happened to the old lady next.

I told him he could write his own ending, but he said that wouldn’t work. He doesn’t want to write what happens next, he wants to know what happens next. Do you know (or can you make up) what happened next for Brett? Tell the story in the comments.

And then of course we can combine it with another commercial and completely change the commercial.

And it’s because I can do things like this (you might recall when Job’s servant called 911), that Brett married me. :heart:

6 shared thoughts about What happened to the old lady?

  1. Denice says:

    Brett shouldn’t laugh — his mother is there. :p

  2. Brett says:

    Here’s the thing. The commercial was playing in 2008 when I cancelled my cable. Then when we reinstalled our cable in 2011, the old lady was still there, saying and doing exactly what she was doing before. And it got me thinking — you know Susie, the little girl who built the lemonade empire just by using the calculator on her Verizon mobile device? We get to keep up with her. Two commercials later we know that not only is she over a national chain of lemonade vending machines, but just yesterday we find out that she’s introduced pink lemonade into the lineup. So what’s going on with the old lady?! We need to follow up with her too! There has to be more to her existence than falling down the stairs every day and pushing that blasted button over and over and over!

    Deep down I suspect the commercial is still running because the target audience forgets they’ve seen it and keeps ordering more emergency pendants. :brett:

    • Giggles says:

      Congratulations! You are comment #2,200! Your prize is in the mail.

      Also, you wrote a longer comment than the original post, which I find oddly strange. :lisa:

      • Brett says:

        Next time maybe save on postage and put it on my pillow.

        The old lady deserved a long comment.


  3. mama G says:

    Old Ladies RULE. 😀 :tractor:


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