Shuttle Camp 1989

Categories: Remembers, Science & Tech
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Saturday I mentioned that I went to Shuttle Camp when I was younger. And then yesterday while I was looking for a poster for a lesson I was teaching I found the collage frame I’d put together with the pictures of me/by me from Shuttle Camp in 1989, twelve years ago this week. Yea!

So here you go, me at Shuttle Camp, dreaming of space, dreams that still live in me somewhere.

First up, this is me wearing a space suit, one that actually went to space if I’m remembering correctly. It’s an adult sized space suit and I was not adult sized yet. So that’s me trying to hold the pants up so I don’t fall over, and salute at the same time. It’s harder than you’d think.

Next up, this is me in a flight simulator. I’m apparently very good at that. Didn’t crash it at all. My hidden talents – fighter jets and rifles (unrelated story for another time).

Here is me sitting at a scenic outlook when we went on a hike up the mountain to see several sun/star observatories up there (there’s an observatory up the mountain here where we live now, one of these nights we need to go up there and see what they can see). I am just super stylish there. That jacket is where I kept my patch collection until the collection and I both outgrew the jacket. And then we moved it to a quilt. There are several NASA patches in the collection.

This is the group I was in. We are sitting on one of the rails that made up the track they broke the sound barrier on on land. I’m fourth from the right on the second row. And my certificate of completion that year.

We all have dreams. I doubt I will ever stop dreaming about space. :star:

5 shared thoughts about Shuttle Camp 1989

  1. Giggle

    Love it! You make an adorable little astronaut!

  2. Denice says:

    I agree, you are an adorable astronaut!

  3. Snowcatcher says:

    I could barely believe my eyes when I saw the International Space Hall of Fame on your blog! I left there the year before you went, but this is where I grew up! That’s my stompin’ grounds! That hill going up to The Cube is where I began my bicycle climbing passion!!!

    I agree. You do make an adorable little astronaut! And how fitting with the final shuttle launch… 🙁

    • Giggles says:

      We lived in Santa Fe from 1987 to 1991 and then moved to El Paso. That part of New Mexico is a favorite in our family – Alamagordo, White Sands, Carlsbad. It’s so beautiful there.

      And that hill is quite the hill!

  4. Pingback, 10 November 2011 at 9:06 pm
    I remember at 10 | Random Giggles

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