Up above the world so high

Categories: Life, Science & Tech
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The stars, moon, and other planets have always had a pull on me. I’ve always looked up and wondered. I remember writing many reports on them when I was in elementary school. I loved reading books about them, seeing pictures of them, and actually looking up at them. :star:

So it was actually surprising for me a few years ago to discover that not everyone realizes that the moon can be up during the day. Had they never looked up and seen it? The moon is more noticeable at night. The bright white ball or crescent against the dark black sky. A white crescent (never a whole circle) is not so noticeable against a bright blue sky. But it is still there.

Since the moon was full on Sunday it is now rising a bit after sunset at night and setting a bit after sunrise in the  morning. If you look west in the morning hours you will see a not quite full moon getting ready to set. I find it quite beautiful actually. And the moon will set later and later in the day for another week and a half until it is new. And then you will be able to see it rise in the afternoon until it is full again in three weeks. And then it will rise as the sun sets and dominate the night sky.

Maybe it’s because people don’t always look up. We get too focused on what is underneath us or just in front of us. We don’t look around or up enough. We don’t see the larger world that is out there. Sunsets, moon rises, clouds, birds, butterflies, there is so much beauty around us. And in us. Never forget the beauty and wonder that is inside each one of us as well.

One shared thought about Up above the world so high

  1. Mitali says:

    This is so beautiful. 🙂 I’ve only realized, this past year, that I “don’t look around or up enough.” As I’ve started to use my imagination… I’ve had less time to do housework, so I’ve stopped looking down, in the corners, and too close to the trim.


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