Again with the bad timing

Categories: Venting
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Back in August I wrote a blog venting about how some things were just happening at the exact wrong time. Time to vent about the timing of a few things again. :angry:

I rarely drive. Maybe three days a week (Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday). A week ago I was running wedding errands and my car wouldn’t start at one stop. I quietly thought good thoughts about my car and it started and everything was fine. Wednesday of this week it started protesting when I would start it. Tonight, no starting at all. Now, I was going to go get a routine oil change and tire rotation before driving to Utah in two weeks. I guess it’ll be more than that now. Major car repairs were not on the to-do list right now. And major car repairs were certainly not in our budget right now.

Next, I’m out of hot glue sticks. How this has happened I have no idea. I feel like I’m betraying all my mom taught me about having a two year supply. I do have the two year supply of Jell-O, but somehow I’ve managed to run out of glue sticks. And just when I had a whole bunch of stuff to glue too!

And just other little things that keep adding up.

But I have two, um, one and a half, containers of chocolate frosting and a spoon with a glass of cold milk. And Brett is absolutely amazing at helping me keep perspective and relaxing. :kiss: In fact, he brought me a dozen roses on Thursday just because. And my apartment smells so good because of it.

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They fit right in on the table where I’m working on our wedding flowers.

I just don’t want to deal with my car right now.42D

8 shared thoughts about Again with the bad timing

  1. Mom says:

    Roses – Wonderful
    Car repairs – not wonderful

  2. Mitali says:

    Let me get this straight… you made those?! What?!!!

  3. Miss Giggles says:

    I made the ribbon flowers, but not the live roses. Nature made those ones.

  4. emeth_veneeman says:

    Maybe you should try using Jell-O in the glue gun. You just might be the one who gets credit for an amazing discovery. Remember penecillin! :turtle:

  5. Miss Giggles says:

    Thickly mixed Jell-O is very sticky. I’ve had a spoon get stuck to a bowl before. But I don’t think that’s quite the effect we’re going for with the glue gun in this case.

  6. Miss Giggles says:

    The battery terminals were dirty and causing the cables to overheat and short. So it’s all fixed and it didn’t cost much at all. Yeah! To celebrate I stopped at the store and bought glue sticks on the way home.

  7. Pingback, 3 November 2009 at 8:47 am
    That’s not on the list!! | Random Giggles

  8. Pingback, 2 January 2010 at 9:12 pm
    In 2009 I… | Random Giggles

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