Bored, but Proud

Categories: Education, Family, Happy Things
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I spent two days this week sitting through graduation ceremonies. And they weren’t even mine (and won’t be for several more years). The speakers were okay, not completely boring, but the whole long ceremonies were both two hours long, a good long two hours each.

The University of Arizona seems to be on a bit of a space kick right now. The two speakers were Dr. Kathie Olsen who worked for NASA and now works for NSF, and Astronaut Frank Borman, who flew on Apollo 8. The space kick could easily be explained by the fact that the Mars probe the university designed is supposed to land on Mars next week.

But I was glad I was able to go. I take pride in what those I know do. There is a definite sense of accomplishment with getting a degree. And I like seeing that happen. It’s a privilege, I think, for me to be able to watch my friends accomplish something as big as a college degree.

I remember my dad doing homework for his Masters degree. Both of my parents graduated from college. My grandparents too. My brother and sister both have done some amazing stuff during and after college and I am very proud of them and love to tell people about them and brag a bit. I’m related to some really smart people.

Congratulations to everyone I know who got a degree this Spring. And congratulations to everyone I know who has ever gotten a degree as well. I’m proud to know you. Even if it does occasionally mean sitting through some pretty boring ceremonies. 42D

One shared thought about Bored, but Proud

  1. mom says:

    I find that I can write the best poetry during boaring talks So next time try writing. 🙂


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