Do what I say, not what I do

Categories: Education
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Education classes can be so incredibly frustrating at times. I’ve attended lectures about how not to lecture because it is not an effective means of teaching. I’ve had lessons that weren’t engaging on how to engage students. And one of my favorites, although I’m sure it is not confined to education, I’ve found myself disagreeing with the philosophy of a paper and being told I didn’t understand it and that I just need to read it again.

I have been in classes where we talked about creating a classroom environment where people feel safe sharing and how important that is for effective teaching and learning. And I have then watched as one student is attacked to the point where they leave the room almost in tears. Kind of makes the lesson seem hypocritical. That student never shared anything in the class again, and neither did many of the others who watched it. Nobody wants to ask a question of a teacher who can make you feel like your’s was the most stupid question ever asked. Although it is amazing to watch how fast they were able to do that.

I have had some amazing teachers during my education. I have been in classes that really challenged me and that changed how I look at things and made a difference for me. But every now and then I get one of those teachers or classes that just makes me shake my head and wonder.

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