School Supply Proclamation

Categories: Education, Happy Things, Proclamations
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I read this in the newspaper today:

WHEREAS, the chocolate chip cookie represents a warm welcome and hospitality for neighbors, friends and travelers; and

WHEREAS, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of its signature chocolate chip cookie with a nationwide Cookie CAREavan tour that includes special celebrations with people from across our nation; and

WHEREAS, the CAREavan Tour is part of the hotelier’s Global Cookie CARE Campaign that will share more than 250,000 chocolate chip cookies with the public and local charities at special events in fifty major cities around the world, including the city of Tucson; and

WHEREAS, through simple acts of community service demonstrated by responsible businesses, adults and children alike are given a sense of pride and ownership in their community; and

WHEREAS, with its lessons in human kindness and hospitality, the Cookie CAREavan Tour seeks to build a moral society by developing a community of civil and caring citizens; and

WHEREAS, it is most fitting that the City of Tucson pause to recognize and commend the outstanding contributions made by DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels benefiting the people of this great city and travelers from around the world.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert E. Walkup, Mayor of the City of Tucson, Arizona, do hereby proclaim July 20, 2011, to be Doubletree “Chocolate Chip Cookie” Day in this community, and urge our residents to recognize this social responsibility and initiative that demonstrates how a simple, sweet act of kindness for others can enhance and improve the world in which we live.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Tucson to be affixed this 20th day of July, 2011.

Apparently all you need to do to make a proclamation is use the word “whereas” in all caps a lot. I also like that the mayor uses the past tense to talk about tomorrow.

We only have sugar cookie dough in the fridge (I’m not going all over town for a free chocolate chip cookie), do you think that will be good enough?

Here’s my proclamation:

WHEREAS, school supplies are awesome!! and

WHEREAS, school supplies are now on sale and all stocked up because some districts in Tucson are on a modified year-round schedule and have already started up again for the year; and

WHEREAS, you can always use more school supplies; and

WHEREAS, I will always be a student/teacher no matter what else I am doing with my life.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mrs. Giggles, webmaster of Miss Giggles and all associated sites, do hereby proclaim now to be “Time to buy school supplies,” and urge all to recognize the eternal positive effects always learning can have in your life and the lives of those around you.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this post to be written this 19th day of July, 2011.

See how I got the date right? 😉

I used to stock up on plastic pencil cases but they stopped making the ones I really like and I have several that I’m not specifically using right now, but I love them. I keep my make-up in one. I keep small projects in them. I keep my sewing thread and bobbins in them. Two years ago I always had one with me that had the  makings of 10 or so ribbon pansies in it so I could work on them no matter where I was.

Today I bought nine plastic folders. I already have six at home, but I love them! They don’t crumble or fall apart in bags like paper ones do. The three holes are slotted so you can pop them in and out of binders real easy. And I’m discovering I have a lot of papers to keep organized.

What is your favorite school supply?

4 shared thoughts about School Supply Proclamation

  1. Giggle

    Crayons, for sure. I need to color more often.

  2. Mom says:

    Elmer glue sticks, I’m in to paper crafts at the moment. :love:

  3. Denice says:

    I used to buy a lot of school supplies this time of year but I finally outgrew the need for them. Sad to say.


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