Books! Yup yup yup yup yup

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I’ve seen two things on the internet lately about books that I thought I’d share.

Remember discovering reading and books?

Books have always been a part of my life. I always have a book with me. I’m always in the middle of at least one, usually more. The first piece of furniture I bought after leaving home was a bookcase. I love the feel of a new book, the smell of it, the sound of it. Old books have a certain charm as well. Books are the ultimate in portable entertainment, especially since the require no batteries, no cords, just enough light to see them.

I saw the martians discovering books recently and it made me smile.

The second thing made me smile in a different way.

Nina Sankovitch set out to read one book every day for a year (A Quest to Read a Book a Day for 365 Days – The New York Times). I haven’t reached that point in my reading yet, but averaging a book a week last year was a fun adventure for me. I read some things I might not have grabbed before. Trying to read through the alphabet right now is also a fun adventure for me as I try to think of things to read for each letter.

Reading, it’s not just for school! Kids and adults can like it too. 😀

One shared thought about Books! Yup yup yup yup yup

  1. Giggle

    Despite what the Martians say, books can be for smelling. I love book smell!


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