Harry Potter!

Categories: Books, Happy Things
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Why yes, I am a grown 30 year-old woman (31 next week) wearing a witch’s hat and taking a stuffed green cat to a midnight movie. And what a movie it was!


We are speaking of course, of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

I attended with my friend Alisa and some of her friends. It was fun looking around the theater before the movie started and seeing all of the other people dressed up. There were a few dressed as Draco. There was a Bellatrix Lestrange and Filch. A Quirrel. Several students. It was a great group, and completely full.

The movie was amazing! Awesome! It had the perfect balance, I think, between the weirdness that is adolescence mixed with the seriousness of the rise of a wizard who could destroy the world. I’d just finished rereading the book yesterday afternoon, so there were some scenes that I was expecting to go differently, but I think they went as well as they needed to. It was a movie after all, not a book.

And the way they built the scenes, incredible. The silence that filled not only the movie but the theater at one point was almost thick enough to touch. And I found myself feeling emotionally for some of the characters that I never thought I would.

I can’t wait to see it again.

4 shared thoughts about Harry Potter!

  1. Giggle

    Agreed! I didn’t dress up, but I should have. Great movie.

  2. Pays says:

    It’s nice to hear that at least one person liked the movie 🙂 Everyone else has said two numbs down. Very nice hat, too!

  3. Miss Giggles says:

    With this movie, it’s important to remember that they made a movie of the story, not a movie of the book. Some scenes aren’t there, but the message and plot are.

    Also, the book is not a stand alone book. So the movie will not be a stand alone movie. The movie only works if you realize the point of it is to set up the next two movies just as the book only works if you realize the point of it was to set up the last book.

    Still, an awesome movie. Extremely well done.

  4. Pingback, 2 January 2010 at 9:12 pm
    In 2009 I… | Random Giggles

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