Statistical Nightmares

Categories: Education, Learn Something
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Ever wonder what happens when you spend 8 hours working on a statistics test until one in the morning (after working on it for four hours previously and still spending another six hours on it later) and then go right to bed? No? Me either. But I know.

The ten question, twenty page, forty-eight sub-part test!

Tuesday night I went to bed just after 1 AM after having worked on that test since shortly after 3 in the afternoon. I was exhausted, to the point where it was starting to hurt.

So you’d think I’d sleep soundly. But nope. Instead I had dreams, horrible icky dreams.

I dreamed I was solving statistics. And it was going great! Except the laptops I was doing all the calculations on kept opening and closing on their own on me.

So I left my bedroom and went out to my computer, and the whole area was practically covered in moths!!! Bad evil moths that would get me! Have you seen those pictures where the tree trunk is covered in beautiful butterflies (like this one from Monarch Imagine that, only my computer area and windows instead of a tree and scary ugly moths instead of beautiful butterflies. Oh the horror! I couldn’t get them with my puny fly swatter, so I got out bug spray.

Some nice people came and helped me kill all the moths. Then I was at their house. Never seen these people before in my life. They were nice people, but when I told them it was time for me to go home, instead of taking me to the airport so I could fly home, they locked me down in their basement, which was very well lit by the way.

In their basement they had cloned George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Abraham Lincoln. And they were all sword fighting! And they were going to attack me!

And that’s when I decided it was time to wake up and go do more statistics, so I got myself out of their basement and back to my room where the whole thing had started. I woke up, stumbled back in to the living room, and started to work on the test some more.

So let that be a lesson to you. Don’t do statistics right before bed!

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