Christmas Morning

Categories: Family, Questions
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I’m curious just how strange my family is.

It was almost noon before we were all up to open presents at our house today. And this isn’t unusual. And it isn’t something that happens now because we are all grown. We never woke up while it was still dark to open presents. Getting up at 8am was early for us. My parents were able to get up, get dressed, and then sit around and wait for all of us to get up, always. I remember one Christmas that was on a Sunday and we had to open presents after church because we didn’t get up soon enough to do it before. And we never snooped or tried to figure out what the presents were either. We were super excited about Christmas morning, but if we can sleep in, we’re going to sleep in.

So my question to the internet this evening – what time was everyone up at your house this morning? What time is a typical wake up time on Christmas morning at your house?

3 shared thoughts about Christmas Morning

  1. Laylabean says:

    Since my dad was a dairy farmer, we always had to wait until he got home from milking the cows for Christmas. Some years it was pure torture! Especially if we’d wake up and think he was getting home when he was just leaving. He’d try to start milking a little early be even so, we usually had to wait until 7:30 or 8:00 to start. It was rough.

    Now that I’m the mom, I think 7:30 or 8:00 would be awesome. My oldest was up this year at 4:00 A.M!! She watched movies on the portable DVD player in her bedroom until 6:00, then we let her wake up her siblings. Still pretty early, but it could have been worse.

  2. Pays says:

    I wish we could have slept in until noon!!! We were up at 6:00. Mrs. Claus wasn’t very happy that morning 😉

  3. Giggle

    Any other day, I’m a sleeper, but I like getting up on Christmas morning. The day is short enough anyway, so we might as well get up and make it as long as possible. That’s what I figured out this Christmas morning. I think we were all up and ready to open presents by 8:30 or so.


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