“Officially finished moving” or “Where am I from?”

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Yes, I know it was almost four months ago that I loaded everything I own into a moving van and drove it from Utah to Arizona. You might think that was when I officially moved here. But, as of yesterday, I’m declaring myself officially here. What’s the difference? Everything is now based out of Arizona.

At the beginning of April I went and took care of getting a driver license. It concerns me that I didn’t have to take any kind of test at all, driving, written, or even vision, to get a license that is valid till I am 65.

A week or so later I changed my phone number from a Utah one to a Tucson one. It’s still a pretty cool number I think. A few people were surprised I did that. They still have the cell numbers from where they used to live years ago. But they don’t live there any more. Why not get a number where they do live? Some of them still have parents back where their number is from. But that doesn’t make much sense to me. It would be ridiculous for me to have a phone from Indiana when I’m only there for a couple of weeks out of the year.

Yesterday, after taking care of my windshield, I went and registered my car in Arizona. A nice old man in an orange vest walked around my car and wrote down some numbers – the VIN and the odometer reading, and then told me my car passed inspection. (Have I mentioned that the Arizona Depart of Motor Vehicles concerns me?) I took the paper he gave me into the building, waited for my number to be called, handed over my credit card and my Utah registration paper, and got an Arizona plate in return.

Several people have been confused at why I’ve done all this. These are generally the same people who haven’t done any of it. Yet they live here pretty much full time. Why wouldn’t you make sure everything is in the same place you are? How long will they deny that they moved? Some people confuse me.

After taking care of all that, it makes it official. I am now from Arizona.

It’ll probably confuse people when they ask me where I’m from and I say Tucson. I’m really not sure how to answer that question anyway. Are they asking where I was born? Where I grew up? Where I moved to here from? What exactly is that question asking? Shouldn’t you be from wherever you are living? That’s how I look at it. My mom says I should say I’m from heaven, because ultimately, that’s probably the best answer.

I’m from heaven. I just live in Tucson for the time being.

2 shared thoughts about “Officially finished moving” or “Where am I from?”

  1. mom says:

    Your Mother sounds lke a very smart women.

  2. Giggle

    Yes, I’m only in Utah a few days a year, but my cell phone is through my dad’s business plan, so it makes sense that I just keep my number. If it were just me, I’d probably get a VA number.

    Also, the reason I’ve been hesitating to get my car inspected this month is because is VA is STRICT and I’m afraid there’s going to something stupid, yet expensive, that will need fixing to pass the stringest test. Probably should do that before Wedensday.


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