The Modern Age

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I am a member of two on-line communities currently. One is basically (very loosely) about Utah theater. The other is about quilting. I participate in both of these communities via message boards. The theater one, Players Anonymous, is completely addicting. Part of that is probably that I’ve met a lot of the people on it in person. We have several parties during the year together, there is a book club, a movie club, and monthly lunches. The quilting one isn’t quite so addicting because I’ve never met any of them. Although quilting is addicting, so I keep going back.

Recently, the theater website was down for maintanence. It was actually down because they had to change servers since they told us we were taking up too much space on the old server. So for four days nobody access any of the website, including the message boards and the chatroom. It also happened to be right when I needed to get in contact with several people I know from there. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to contact them outside of the web site. So I had to call the few I did have numbers for and see if they have phone numbers for other people. Then I had to call them and get them to figure out who I was since I’ve never called them before and they would never really expect me to call.

You would think it would be easy to get a hold of people with so many different ways available for us today. I guess we just all became so dependent on one way, that when that way wasn’t available, we were all completely lost. I find it strangely sad and funny at the same time.

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