When I run I’m in my own head. I think. I ponder. I solve the world’s problems. If I’m running with someone I feel like I need to be at their pace and I need to talk to them. And then I’m not solving the world’s problems. And I feel guilty if I don’t go rather than more motivated to go. The only running partner I’ve ever liked before now was my dad. And we’d run without talking and not even necessarily at the same pace. We’d start together and he’d wait for me at the end. Brett runs as well, but even if we leave the house at the same time we don’t run together. He’s a solo runner as well.
Today is National Running Day. And I’m not running today. I didn’t last year either. Last year was because I physically couldn’t (hips were falling apart). This year it’s because I’m getting my runs in on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Just yesterday I was thinking about how this is the best running shape I have ever been in my entire life, including the three marathon trainings I did. I have run 3 times a week since the beginning of the year. I do short runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays that were 3 miles each but I’m up to 4 miles now. I do a long run on Saturday, this month they’ll be 8 miles each. So far this year I’ve run 244 miles.
And I think it’s because I finally found a running partner I can really enjoy – Iddo! I made running/walking part of her daily routine (we walk the mornings we don’t run). Keeping her in a regular routine makes my life a lot easier so I’m motivated. She goes at exactly my pace. And she spends the time thinking about her world and I spend the time thinking about mine. We talk on occasion but not often. Sometimes she sleeps too.

She’s the perfect running partner. I’m looking forward to many more miles together.
If I could do that when I run, I think I would enjoy being your running partner too. :zzz: :brett:
Enjoy it while you can. One of these years she won’t fit in the stroller 😀 :run: :run:
Good job! Both of you will benefit from your dedication.
I’ve got an awesome walking partner now, who makes sure I get in 2-4+ miles in every day, no matter what. And does the same thing for Blake for his runs or walks. Dogs are good for that. 🙂 One day I look forward to having to manage both the dog and a stroller!
My heart just melted when I got to the picture at the end. Sweet baby girl!
That’s inspiring! I have NOT been running, even though we have a side-by-side double jogging bike trailer/stroller. But I have dreams of running again. Meanwhile, I like Iddo’s hat. And that sweet, supple baby neck that doesn’t get a crick in it even after sleeping like that, with a heavy head flopped over, for hours.