What have I done?

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Putting the finishing touches on my dissertation I feel like it’s my child heading out the door and I keep pulling it back so I can lick my fingers and pat down a few stray hairs, straighten its bow tie (because my dissertation has that kind of style), brush some imaginary lint of its shoulders one more time (for the twentieth time). Just let me tweak it here. Let me check it one more time there.

The sucker is 190 pages long. Almost 30,500 words. Just over ten pages of references. Ninety-three pages of appendix (talk about an inflamed appendix). Five tables and five figures. It’s been long nights, reams of paper, nightmares (Voldemort was going to use the worksheets I was developing to determine who was a muggle and who was not), forms upon forms, formatting issues, and stickers. That’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, a lot of stray hairs to pat down.

And if I could stop straightening its bow tie already, it’d be finished.

Holy crap. I wrote a dissertation. :apple:

7 shared thoughts about What have I done?

  1. HeidiAphrodite says:

    GET IT. I’m so proud of you!!

  2. Mindy says:

    Woot Woot! Be done and enjoy some time before this “next” new baby comes!!

  3. mama g says:

    😀 Way to go

  4. Brett says:

    Woo hoo!

    (By the way, only muggles write dissertations, so there’s his first clue.)


  5. Camille says:

    Very cool! Brings tears to my eyes! Congratulations, Lisa!

  6. Whitney says:

    That is fantastic!!! Have some ice cream or give yourself your favorite treat! You deserve something special! I guess the baby could count as your something special hehe 😀

  7. Giggle

    WOOHOO!! So happy for you!


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