Monthly Archives: May 2009

My pot garden

Categories: Food, Gospel, Happy Things

I have a pot garden. I’ve had one off and on for a couple of years now actually. And I love it. Keep reading

The sacred garden

Categories: Gospel

It is no surprise to me that I have had many moments of quiet reflection, meditation, and inspiration in gardens of all types and sizes. Gardens have always been used as places of spiritual importance. Keep reading

Run for the roses!

Categories: Life

The Run for the Roses – the most exciting 2 minutes in sports. That takes a whole three hours to show and talk about. But there sure are a lot of pretty roses. Keep reading

Friends in need

Categories: Gospel, Life

Brandon and Julie lived in the same ward as me when I lived in Utah. Julie was always so full of life and so wonderful about helping everyone around her. I am grateful for the love and faith of their family. Keep reading