
Categories: Health, Random
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My body is not symmetrical. Of course, at the organ level everyone’s body is not symmetrical. You only have one liver, one gall bladder, one appendix, so inside all of us we are not symmetrical.

Most people just assume that on the outside you could draw a line down your middle and be symmetrical on each side – one arm on each side, one ear on each side, one leg on each side, and so on. So on the base level of my outsides, I’m more or less symmetrical, but when you look closer, I’m really not.

Some of the irregularities I have probably had since I was born. Others have developed through just living – shoulder, knee, the scar on my forehead, the scar on my wrist, the scar on my other knee, the scar on my elbow, the scar on my toe. I think it adds a lot of character to me.

Some of the irregularities do not bother me at all. Others affect my life. I can’t really sleep on my right side any more because my right hip and shoulder hurt when I do. But that’s why we have two sides, and I sleep just fine on the other side.

I like my nonsymmetricalness.

But I love symmetricalness in so many other places. Round things are great because they have an infinite number of lines of symmetry. My blog has one sidebar on each side because that’s so much more symmetrical and balanced than putting both of them on one side. (And I can’t have just one because that would get far too long.)  And I think a big part of my love of all things palindrome is the fact that they have a degree of symmetricalness to them as well.

What are your nonsymmetricalness things?

2 shared thoughts about Symmetry

  1. sherriffic says:
    1 person giggled

    My left hip/waist area is curvier than my right. I think it’s because I have minor scoliosis, but a doctor told me once that it’s just because my hips are crooked. My shoulders are uneven because of the scoliosis. My right eye is stronger than my left. I think that about covers every thing.

  2. 1 person giggled

    You’ve seen my face. Even that’s not symmetrical.

    Also, because of a bad fall on my left side, the entire side is a little off balance and weaker. There are some chiropractic and muscular therapies I can do to get them back in shape, but they would require someone to help me everyday, and I don’t have that person, yet. So, until then, I’m off balance.

    When I told this to Dennis, back in the day, he asked “Can you still do, um, stuff?”

    Yes, yes I can.


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