A priceless education

Categories: Education, Politics, Venting
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I am of the opinion that education is priceless.

Unfortunately, I seem to be living in a state that thinks you can put a price on education, and that you can then sell it at the dollar store because it’s that cheap.

Can I please, just once, live in a state that values education??

Today there are more than 1,000 University of Arizona students and faculty, together with I’m sure thousands of other students and faculty from the other two state colleges here, protesting at the state capitol building. I will be one of them.

The legislature is proposing a $243 million cut from the Arizona University System in the 2009 fiscal year, and as if that weren’t quite the death blow, they are then going to cut another $388 million in the 2010 fiscal year. What are they thinking?!?! And there will be even more cuts for the k-12 education in the state.

Maybe the state legislatures should take a look at the report card Education Week gave education in Arizona this year. Arizona got a C-! 72.2% overall. The national average is not much better, 76.2, but it is better. Arizona is already failing when it comes to spending on education. Can you do worse than an F?! You’d think they’d be completely embarressed by what they are spending on education!

I can’t think about this too much. It makes my blood boil. There is nothing more important than the future, and Arizona legislatures are ready to just throw it all away. A states economy depends so much on how well the value education. Businesses are attracted to places that have a good education base. Killing the universities in this state will not help the economy. Killing education in Arizona will kill Arizona. I hope they figure that out sooner rather than later.

There are few things outside of my religion that I care and believe as deeply as I do about my religion, but education is certainly one of them.

One shared thought about A priceless education

  1. Mimi says:

    Yikes, that is a huge budget cut. I guess they all failed their math classes. You can’t get something for nothing. Thanks for the book list, I found a ton of books to request from the library. Your reviews were very helpful.


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