Sou tão pequenino

Categories: Gospel, Musings
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I am so small.

I love the night (except for the moths, do not like moths, at all, they will get me, I know they will).

Several weeks ago I was up in my office on the 6th floor of the education building grading a bunch of tests and entering the grades into the computer. The hall was practically empty because it was after 6pm and everyone had gone home. The door to the office was closed and a desk lamp illuminated the small part of the desk I was actually using. I had Pandora on the computer and was singing along a bit when I could sing without losing count of wrong answers. It was a good night. And then I stood up and looked out the window at the campus below me. It was dark. Quiet. The lights in the buildings and a few out at the stadium were enough to just not quite hint at the exactness of the shapes that were out there. I love that look to the world.

I have always been a night person (except for the moth thing, I have never ever liked moths). There’s just something about having the whole world to yourself like that when everyone else is asleep. It’s magical. I don’t like driving long distances at night, but driving home from some place in town, a friend’s, work, late at night when you can go several miles before seeing another car on the road, is so peaceful. It’s like drawing in a relaxed breath at the end of a day. (Driving long distances at night I’m too worried about falling asleep and hitting bunny rabbits.) There are fewer distractions at night and you can get more done.

And it’s not just the quiet and peace of the night I enjoy. The night sky is absolutely magical. One of my new favorite “blogs” that I check daily is Astronomy Picture of the Day. Every now and then the picture is an artist rendition of some distant phenomenon, but they are generally pictures from satellites or telescopes. And they are amazing. The creations of God are beyond comprehension in their scope, power, majesty, and beauty. Back in September they had a composite picture of the recent total eclipse. It’s gorgeous. (Other pictures I love from there: sparkly stars, stars and galaxies, nebulae, beautiful spiral, lagoon nebula, spiral galaxy, bolide)

Another blog I really enjoy is What’s Up? It lets you know what stars, planets, and other celestial things are out there that you can see during the night. I often walk around at night with my eyes to the heavens, in awe of what is there. One of the books I finished this year was a sidereal book (Cosmo by Carl Sagan) about the history of the world, taken clear back to the Big Bang, and all of the discoveries that have been made in the heavens. I am absolutely fascinated by all things celestial.

For some, seeing the vastness and grandness of space could make them feel oh so very small. Even Moses felt that way when, after seeing the numberless, endless, creations of God, “he said unto himself: Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed” (Moses 1:10). Yet God tells Moses, “the heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine” (Moses 1:37).

While the number of atoms that have come together to make my body are infintisimally small compared to the total number of atoms in the universe, I am known. I am numbered. I am God’s. And He knows me. I am not small and insignificant in His eyes. But I am a beloved daughter of the Creator. And looking up to the celestial heavens, and marveling at all that is out there, I cannot help but marvel at all that is within me as well. The heavens are a testament to Him. My life can be as well.

3 shared thoughts about Sou tão pequenino

  1. Giggle

    I agree. Again. Surprise! 😉 However, I do not like being the last person in my building when it’s dark and late. I get to do that twice this week.

  2. Mimi says:

    I checked out that picture of the eclipse. It was beautiful, thanks for the link. I would never have seen it other wise!

  3. Miss Giggles says:

    The first picture taken of the earth from the moon (link).

    Absolutely stunning!


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