Category Archives: Politics

There are reasons why I would never be a politician. There are reasons why I vote every year.


Categories: Life, Musings, Politics

Independence comes in many forms. … And this is true of nations just as much as it is of individuals. Keep reading

The Economy Game

Categories: Politics

Why can’t economists with more experience figure out how this works? How can broke economies lend money to other broke economies who haven’t got any money? Keep reading

Comparing two laws

Categories: Politics

I try to stay out of politics here for the most part. But I found this very interesting. I’m not going to say that they are right or wrong. I just want to point out the similarities and differences. Similarities – The text. It might also be noted the frequent references to federal law in both. … Keep reading

Morning Thoughts

Categories: Politics, Venting

Obama and leaf blowers and incompetent people. Keep reading

And some people are stupid

Categories: Books, Family, Politics, Venting

and say stupid things… Keep reading

Is anybody there? Does anybody care?

Categories: Musings, Politics

Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Can anybody see what I see? Keep reading

A moment in history

Categories: Education, Life, News, Politics

Twenty years ago today is one of those moments that stays with you. It was on June 4, 1989, that the massacre of Tiananmen Square happened. Keep reading