Faith to Overcome

Categories: Gospel, Infertility
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During His mortal life Christ chose to experience pains and afflictions in order to understand us. Perhaps we also need to experience the depths of mortality in order to understand Him and our eternal purposes.
– Elder Kent F. Richards, “The Atonement Covers All Pain,” General Conference, April 2011

When we were in the midst of our infertility journey I was on a trying-to-conceive forum and specifically in an infertility section. Someone asked the question “How did you overcome infertility?” I knew what she was asking. She was asking for procedures and medications. She wanted to know what other people had done that got them their kids. At that point all we had to show were 3 failed IUIs, an endometriosis surgery, an IVF miscarriage and a few failed IVFs. But every time I saw that thread come to the top my answer to myself was always, “Faith.”

It will comfort us when we must wait in distress for the Savior’s promised relief that He knows, from experience, how to heal and help us. The Book of Mormon gives us the certain assurance of His power to comfort. And faith in that power will give us patience as we pray and work and wait for help. He could have known how to succor us simply by revelation, but He chose to learn by His own personal experience.
– President Henry B. Eyring, “Adversity,” General Conference, April 2009

Medicine did not help us overcome infertility. Children did not help us beat infertility. Infertility will always be with us, always be part of who we are. Faith helped me overcome infertility. Prayer helped us get through our struggles. At different points we each can say we have never prayed harder than we did then, and we were praying for the other person, not for ourselves.

Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our individual needs, as known to Him who loves us best. Sometimes a “healing” cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we are “healed” by being given strength or understanding or patience to bear the burdens placed upon us.
– Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “He Heals the Heavy Laden,” General Conference, October 2006

It required a lot of medical help and faith in that medicine to get us children. But it was with faith that we overcame infertility, before we even had children.

4 shared thoughts about Faith to Overcome

  1. Grandma says:

    How blessed we are!

  2. HeidiAphrodite says:

    I just found out I didn’t get a second interview for a job I really wanted (not quite as life-changing as infertility, I know), so reading this was exactly what I needed today. Faith is a huge step in overcoming any challenge.

  3. Brett says:

    At times the only thing that kept me moving forward was the knowledge that if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to look back and say I’d done everything I could do. :brett:

  4. Giggle

    Faith is what’s keeping us going as we wait for the Big Lawyer Job. We know and have felt things will work out. We just don’t know when or what yet. Some days that is harder than others, but faith keeps us moving.


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