Knit Night

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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One of the things I do lately to relieve stress is knit. I’ve especially enjoyed knitting the instant gratification toys that I can finish in a day (conference dinos and random crafties). Some days you just need to know that you can create. I repotted some of our house plants this week too because I enjoy making things grow and feeling the life they have.

I decided I wanted a time I could designate to do knitting. When you are accountable to others you tend to actually do what you set out to do. So I started a monthly knit night. Normally it will be on the third Thursday (I’m really into alliteration here), but this month I was at a meeting that night. So the first knit night was tonight. I probably could’ve called it needle night because people could bring their crochet needles or their embroidery needles or their cross stitch needles. But just a couple of hours set aside to make stuff and unwind. And I figure one day someone will come who can teach me how to crochet. I keep thinking I’ve almost got it but it never looks right so I’m not sure.

Tonight’s knit night was sparsely attended people wise (there were two of us), but the conversation was great. At the beginning I was the only knitter but by the end we had a new knitter going home with a project to work on till the knit night next month. It reminded me of when my parents were teaching me to knit. And I made some good progress on one of my projects too.

Maybe if we keep this up I’ll actually finish the sweater I started working on almost 15 years ago.

7 shared thoughts about Knit Night

  1. Giggle

    One day I really want to have one of these. I like the idea of it quite a lot.

  2. Brett says:

    Three cheers for mochimochi!

    (I just like saying that word).


  3. Denice says:

    Cute Halloween items. Good for you and good luck in your knitting. I used to knit a lot but I have rather got out of the habit.

  4. Heidi Aphrodite says:

    My ward has a quilt group, and I’ve been known to bring crocheting to it. I haven’t been able to go for a while, but when I can go again, I’ll just bring projects to work on. No one seems to mind. 🙂

  5. Mitali says:

    Hooray! Reminds me I need to host another one… a lot of my knitting circle started having babies…

  6. Mom says:

    One of these years I would like a little ghosty. 🙂 please :love:


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