Dating Decisions

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The lesson in Laurels on Sunday was about dating decisions. And that was when I learned the reason behind bad dates – they make great stories when you’re talking to young women just getting in to dating. I’m glad all those bad dates I went on will serve a purpose. I’m also very glad that all the dates I’ll go on from here on out will pretty much be guaranteed good in some fashion, and not just in the “this will make a great story some day” kind of good.

Yesterday The Art of Manliness did a post about good date ideas for the fall. Brett and I still date. We even do a few of the things on that list, but, of course, since we live in a place that doesn’t really have fall, our fall dates are a bit different. And then, of course there’s the fact that it’s Brett and I that makes all dates just a bit different.

So here’s my response to their list of fall date ideas.

  1. Football Game – I think we’ve got that one covered. Better yet, we’re getting paid to go on that date!
  2. Pumpkin Carving – Last fall we decorated our pumpkins and then cooked and froze them. This year we’re just getting one pumpkin for freezing. But we’ll do it together.
  3. Haunted Attractions – This is one we won’t do. I don’t do haunted things because they are too evil, bloody, psychotic for me.
  4. State Fair – The Arizona state fair is this time of year, but it’s also two hours away. The county fair is in April (I have no idea why that is, it doesn’t make any sense) and that’s just across the freeway from us. So maybe we’ll have to hit that one one of these years, just not in the fall.
  5. Halloween Parade – The only Halloween parades I know about are the ones in elementary school, and those are the best. Maybe there will be one at the ward party. Kids in costumes are fun.
  6. Hayride – Now that would be fun (as long as it wasn’t a haunted one). But I don’t know where they are around us. We’ll have to look into that. Can time in the hammock count for now?
  7. Foliage Drive – This one made me laugh. Because, um, the trees don’t change colors here. I did notice today though that the cholla cactus look more yellow than green right now. Can that count? I do love seeing all the cactus blooms during the spring and monsoon seasons though.
  8. Apple Cider Mill – I’ve seen a lot of cotton fields and soy fields, and a pecan grove. But I haven’t seen any apple orchards. Another thing we’ll have to look into.
  9. Ghost Hunt – I’m into these about as much as I’m into haunted attractions. Although Brett did take me to a haunted brothel on our second date. The ticket taker told me I wouldn’t see any because I didn’t believe in them like that. Whether it was because I didn’t believe or because there really weren’t any, I didn’t see any. I tend to think dead souls have better things to do.
  10. Weenie Roast – We’ll definitely be using our fire pit more now that it’s not hot enough to cook the food outside without the fire.

It’s interesting that corn maze didn’t make their list. I’ve wanted to do one but never have. There is one in town that we’ll see about doing next year.

Our list now would also include celebrating our wedding anniversary (although the wedding looked a bit more winter than fall). And of course cornhole. Maybe we’ll see if we can find another Turkey Trot this year too.

8 shared thoughts about Dating Decisions

  1. Denice says:

    I have never been in a corn maze but it sounds like fun. I heard on the news this morning that a young couple with two children got lost in a corn maze, panicked and called 911. They lived in Massachusetts. They were only 25 feet from the entrance. ๐Ÿ˜†

  2. Brett says:

    1. Maybe you should start shadowing me at work. Then we can get paid to go on all our dates.

    3. Didn’t this very website once make it into the top five Google hits for “bloody knife?”

    4. If you’re willing to brave the white trailer trash that frequents the County Fair, it can be a good time. You can see where I work from the top of the ferris wheel. And it was at the County Fair that I learned that it is actually possible to make a Twinkie more unhealthy than it already is.

    9. There’s actually not a huge difference between dead souls and living souls. Most dead souls have better things to do, but there are white trailer trash dead souls too. And when the white trailer trash dead souls finish eating their deep fried Twinkies at the dead soul county fair (which is the only thing insubstantial enough for them to eat) they need to figure out what to do for the other 51 weeks of the year. Like it or not, that may involve haunting you.


    • Brett says:

      And no, I don’t feel guilty ripping on white trailer trash. I think the ones I ran into at the County Fair are home blogging about me in an unflattering way as well. :brett:

    • Giggles says:

      1. You’d be paid for our dates, but not me. Although if you could hook me up with some wifi while I’m there I might be able to get some non-distracted research work done.

      3. I have no idea what you are talking about. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      4. I was actually thinking about entering items for judging in the County Fair. And then we could go see if I won anything. And then come home and fry our own things. We still have a half dozen doughnuts in the freezer we keep forgetting to eat.

      9. The afterlife must be real boring if the best thing they can come up with is haunting a PhD student.


      • Brett says:

        9. Oh, I don’t know. It’s the best thing I can come up with most days, and I haven’t gotten bored yet. :brett:

      • Giggles says:

        Are we still talking haunting or have we moved on to stalking? Moaning Myrtle would probably be classified in the haunting/stalking category. No hiding in the bathroom! :lisa:

  3. Mom says:

    It’s a good thing you two found each other. No one else have this much fun bloging about haunting, stalking, and moaning Myrtle. 8)

    Now about dating, Dad and I had and still do many good times at Libaries and Book Stores. It doesn’t matter if it is Fall, Winter, Summer or Spring it makes a good date place. Then coming home and reading the books together is great too. :book: :tractor: ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Pingback, 14 October 2011 at 11:30 pm
    Homecoming Night | Ooh Shemo

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