28 is a happy number

Categories: Happy Things
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I had never heard of happy numbers before. A happy number is a number where if you add the squares of the digits (in the case of 28 – 22+82) and then do the same with the resulting sum, you eventually get to 1. Sad numbers never get to 1. I’m not sure why they decided that made the number happy. Twenty-eight is also a perfect number. Does that make it perfectly happy?

But in the spirit of things, here are 28 things that make me happy.

  1. Brett
  2. chocolate orange sticks from the candy counter at BYU
  3. arriving safely home (although it was a 2 hour delay for a 1.5 hour flight)
  4. family
  5. warm coats
  6. snow!
  7. Christmas lights!
  8. spending the weekend with family
  9. only a week and a half left of the semester (SOOO ready for it to be over)
  10. having Christmas 75% completed already
  11. getting to put up the Christmas decorations this week
  12. no invasive procedures at the airport
  13. blow kisses
  14. warm beds
  15. good books
  16. finishing races, and Brett running his first
  17. knitting and sewing
  18. Tucanos
  19. arm length pictures
  20. warm quilts
  21. laughing
  22. the moon
  23. new highlighters
  24. getting Toy Story 3 (our only true “Black Friday” shopping)
  25. elephants
  26. foot rubs
  27. cows
  28. tacos and Chuck tomorrow night

4 shared thoughts about 28 is a happy number

  1. Mr. Me says:

    Google Reader on my iPad mangled your post, so I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about–It looked like you were saying I should add 22 and 82, which confused me until I realized that Google Reader on my iPad wasn’t superscripting the two twos.

    So 4 + 64 = 68
    36 + 64 = 100
    1 + 0 + 0 = 1


    So thank you. And for your efforts, I’m leaving you with the smallest Pandigital Palindromic happy number:


    • Giggles says:

      The superscript is a new thing with this theme. It’s pretty neat, but I imagine there are other codes like that that not every reader will pick up.

      Sad numbers ultimately fall into an endless loop. Numbers are just so fascinating. Pandigital is a new term for me too. That is quite the number you found there. 🙂

  2. Mr. Me says:

    (There really are two links in the above comment. I just forgot to put a space between them)


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