Woman & Mother

Categories: Family, Gospel
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I love my mom. She is an amazing woman. She showed me what it means to be a mother.

It means to create. My mom is amazing at creating with pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, and pompoms. It also means creating a home where your family and the Spirit feel welcome. And our home was always welcoming.

It means to teach. My mom taught me how to sew. She taught me how to cook (I can now cook a roast without calling home). She taught me how to learn and how to love reading. She taught me about the world. She taught me about love and kindness and God.

It means to love and care for others. And while we have had our moments, I know that I am loved.

It means to be a woman who understands her eternal and divine heritage and potential. And my mom is a wonderful example of this.

No, I do not have children. But I can develop my womanhood to it’s fullest. I can create a welcoming home for my family (which actually doubled in size a few months ago). I can exercise my divine spark of creativity through the talents I have and the ones I am seeking. I teach. I teach formally at a university but I teach informally in so many other ways as well (Brett can now explain a lot about educational theory). I am constantly trying to increase my love for others. And I know who I am.

And so today I honor my mother, but I also honor the mother in every woman. Being a woman and mother in all capacities is truly a noble thing.

Two of my favorite articles about being a mother:
Are We Not All Mothers? by Sheri L. Dew,
Ensign, November 2001
A “Mother Heart” by Julie B. Beck,
Ensign, May 2004

2 shared thoughts about Woman & Mother

  1. Mom says:

    You are such a sweetie :heart:

  2. Mimi says:

    Regardless of our marital status or number of children, all women can and should develop our womanwood to it’s fullest. Thanks for sharing!


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