Prime Parking

Categories: Venting
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Brett and I both have sedan sized cars. And with the water heater and heater being in the garage, there’s really only room length-wise for one of our cars (unless we want to risk one of us accidentally running into the heater and water heater every time we pull in, which we do not want to do). So we park one car in the garage and the other car in the street in front of our house. Except on Monday nights when we both park in the drive-way so that we can put the trash can and recycling can on the street for pick-up Tuesday morning.

There is one house on our street that has about five cars too many, at least. Extra-car-house likes to park their extra cars along whatever curb they can find. Many people on the street leave their trash cans out on the street all week long so that nobody can park in front of their house.

In front of our house must be prime parking though. Because yesterday when I went out to pull the trash cans back and put my car on the street, they’d put our cans up on the sidewalk and parked in front of our house! Who does that? xD :angry:

10 shared thoughts about Prime Parking

  1. Giggle

    The house across the street from mine has a few too many cars themselves. People even park on the lawn sometimes. One of the guys took to parking in front of my house and one day complained to me about this other car belonging to some other house parking a little too close to his house’s property line and making it difficult to park there. I shrugged but thought “Really? You’re parking in front of my house while complaining about someone parking to close to yours? Cute.”

    Fortunately, he’s been parking in front of his own house again lately.

  2. Giggles says:

    There aren’t really lawns to park on here, just rocks with :cactus: planted decoratively in them. So parking there wouldn’t be that good. But I’m sure if they could, they would.

  3. Mel-Issa says:

    Oh for the LOVE. People tick me off!

  4. Sally says:

    we tend to get that too in our cul-de-sac… so when the snow plow comes, the pile ends up exactly at the end of our drive way since there are cars where the snow would ideally go. our next door neighbors have some parents in the basement, so the couple has their two cars in the garage, and the parents park their two cars and their camping trailor around the circle… so we all get to see that they have way too many cars! too bad we need to put our trash cans in the middle of the circle, or i would totally try that whole blocking with the garbage can thing!!

  5. Sally says:

    one more funny thing. our first summer here, our neighbors mom that lived in the basement used to park her car right in front of our house, and jason hated it… so he directed the sprinklers to hit her car every time they came on. she eventually started parking on the other side!

  6. Giggles says:

    I love the sprinklers! Unfortunately there’s nothing worth watering in our front yard. 🙂

  7. emeth_veneeman says:

    Dan! Silly Lisa. (Oh, sorry, that was a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?) :penguin:

  8. Giggles says:

    Should we then ask, “What kind of person is Dan?” Brett? Or would the answer to that one be, “the kind of person who moves trash cans so he can park in front of stranger’s houses.”

    (The car in question has a personalized license plate indicating that the driver’s name is Dan)

  9. Giggles says:

    We have an update!!

    I came home this evening to find Dan parked in front of our house again. Grrr. :angry:

    Except tomorrow is garbage day so I needed to put our garbage cans right where his car is. (I take out the garbage because I feel bad that Brett does the dishes all the time {I really hate the dishes}).

    Brett came home half an hour later and I answered the door and told him he had a passive-aggressive wife. He knew.

    I’d put out our garbage cans in the only curb in front of our house that was available, the recycling bin right in front of his car and the trash bin right behind his car. 😀

    About a quarter after 10, Dan finally came back to his car. Dan is dating the girl who lives in house-with-too-many-cars. They moved our trash cans up to the sidewalk and then she went into her house and he drove off, without either of them putting our trash cans back where they need to be.

    Dan is also shorter than his girlfriend.

  10. Giggles says:

    And here we go again.

    Yesterday morning before leaving I took out our trash and put the full cans on the curb ready for the trash man this morning.

    Brett and I came home from work and Dan had moved the FULL cans up onto the sidewalk and parked in front of our house. He will move full cans apparently.

    We went to bed before he left. Brett woke up at 3:30 and went and looked, called him an idiot, and then got up early this morning to put them back on the street because Dan can’t be bothered to do that.

    Why doesn’t his girlfriend just dump him already? He’s obviously no good. And why our house and not the neighbors?


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